
If you are looking for high-quality replicas of ancient Greek pottery, then you have come to the right place. Here at Museum Replicas, we take great pride in the wide variety of authentic, handcrafted replicas that we can provide, including replicas of Greek Krater vases.

Greek Krater

Greek culture is widely known for its exquisite craftsmanship that dates back millennia. Greek Krater vases are special vessels that were specifically designed to dilute stored wine with water for serving. Traditionally, the Greek Krater elevated on a tripod located in the dining room, so that the wine could be mixed.

Greek Krater vases were elaborately painted with image geometric designs, depictions of famous tales, or other decorations. Important in mythology as well, a Krater vase is what was famously offered to Achilles in the famous epic, the Iliad.

Traditionally, Krater vases are very large, with a broad body and an exceptionally wide base for balance. They also have a wide mouth, making it easy to pour, and horizontal handles placed at the base along with vertical handles that come out of the shoulder to help with an easy pour. There are many variations of Krater vases, as the artistic style evolved over the years.

High-Quality and Authentically Crafted Replicas

If you are looking for a team of professionals who can help you find high-quality, authentically crafted replicas of classical art, then we can take care of your needs. At Museum Replicas, we have dedicated our time and energy to studying the works of ancient Greece. This places us in the unique position to meticulously craft replicas of some of the most famous works of art in antiquity. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you decorate your home or office with authentic and hand-crafted replicas of Greek pottery.


The term 'krater' suggests a mixing-vessel (compare Greek kerannumi - to mix), and we know that the wine served at the symposium was mixed with water. On vases decorated with symposium-scenes, a large open container with a foot is often depicted, and the name krater is appropriate. Examples can be traced back to the large Geometric examples that were used as grave-markers, and this funerary connection continues to be important. Excavations of burial-sites have shown that they could be used in Greek settlements overseas as containers of ashes, and South Italian, especially Apulian, volute-kraters often carry explicit funerary iconography. In the Athenian repertoire, there are four main types identified today: column-, volute-, calyx- and bell-. The psykter is used to cool the liquid. It is mentioned here because it is often shown being used in kraters.

View all of our Greek Vases.
