Benefits of Art

Benefits of Art in Health-Care Facilities.
Did you know that besides creating a pleasing environment, viewing and discussing art soothes the senses and lowers the blood pressure? Art in a health-care facility is more than decoration. The right kind of art, whether it's an oil painting or a garden statue, can speed-up your patients' recovery and enhance a facility's identity. In the past few years, hospital leaders, physicians and patients have discovered that art in the hospital environment can help patients deal with their illnesses more effectively and possibly return to full functioning earlier. Healing art can be as simple as viewing pictures on the wall to help soothe the stress of waiting for a procedure. Therefore, caregivers, volunteers and artists from around the country are interested in bringing art to the bedside and to the entire medical environment. They intend to make their hospitals more attractive and artistically therapeutic as part of a burgeoning national movement to use art to benefit patients. Finding the right decorative pieces can be a daunting task. That's why we at Museum Replicas offer a broad selection of beautiful paintings, garden statues, vases, sculptures, architectural art, byzantine mosaic and icons, and tapestries, each of which has been carefully copied from a world masterpiece. By purchasing art from Museum Replicas you're enhancing not only your facility, but the quality of care that patients receive.

Art Should Live Among The People!
"One of the most important functions of public art is to open up sites and create a sense of ownership in the public." Studies show that if an area looks unloved then it will stay that way and slowly deteriorate from lack of attention. However, if an area is kept nice or actively improved then this, by the nature of the exercise, deters vandalism as the community will have pride in where they live. Public art improves the visual environment for all residents, while strengthening community identity and boosting community pride. You'll enjoy these works of art purchased from Museum Replicas just as much as the originals because of the power of the artwork. The development of arts and culture in communities is a key strategy in attracting skilled workers (human capital). This is important to a city’s economy, as a high concentration of human capital allows a city to attract more businesses. Concentrations of human capital substantially reduce the cost of doing business in a city due to increased efficiencies, higher productivity levels, more entrepreneurial opportunities, and a greater ability to attract venture capital investment. Museum Replicas can assist you in the complicated, yet financially rewarding, task of selecting the appropriate works of art, and carries a great selection of quality art including garden statue, beautiful sculpture, and oil paintings that are perfect for public buildings, along with a number of custom art project options. We can develop site-specific artwork that reflects and/or complements the history and character of your city, all the while enhancing the general feel of the area. All of this is easily possible when you purchase high-quality reproductions or original art work from Museum Replicas.

Art in the workplace
Company executives are relying on us to assist them in their endeavor to spruce up their workplace and their premises with corporate art, paintings, garden statue, or sculptures. They understand that the art that adorns the walls of their headquarters, the entrance of the building , the space in front of the building or their gardens should look eye-catching, evocative, and above all, effective in transmitting their company objectives. At Museum Replicas, we understand that communicating effectively in today's business climate can be challenging. Many companies are now using art from Museum Replicas to help educate and inform their employees, their customers and the public about their product or service. Art can be a potent and influential tool for any business, allowing them to convey their special message in a more compelling and innovative way. Museum Replicas wants you to be able to enjoy the wonderful aesthetic experience of visual arts, be it paintings or sculptures by the great masters. Why not enhance the look and feel of your corporate offices with a beautiful piece of art from Museum Replicas and our talented artists?

For consultation on a specific work, call or e-mail us at:
Phone: 1 517-775-4647 / 866-472-4090
Email: [email protected]
